Why do some people call the tower of a desktop PC a CPU?

Awadh Jamal (Ajakai)
By -
Because people do all those monkey-like things of repeating after others without understanding or even thinking about the actual meaning of the words. Stupidity is contentious.

Also they can’t check Central processing unit - Wikipedia

article (probably, because they don’t have a computer yet). And why would you do any differently if even “professionals” use the term.

It took me a while to understand why motherboard and RAM are included in “CPU only”. But I have not figured out yet what term to use to ask about actual CPUs aka microprocessors.

Thus being said, referring to a computer as “CPU” might be tolerable in some cases. We do call people “heads” or cars “engines”. Phrases like “20 heads” or “I will take the engine” do not sound too bad. It’s because head or engine are essential part, and everything else is assumed to come with it. “Head only” would sound very inappropriate though.

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