41. What is full form of PSD ?
  1. Parallel Data
  2. Photoshop Documentary
  3. Photoshop Document
  4. Pheno Document
  42. What is extension of Gnu zipped file ?
  1. .gs
  2. .gl
  3. .gn
  4. .gz
  43. What is extension of Debian Software Package ?
  1. .dp
  2. .deb
  3. .dev
  4. .dsp
  44. What is extension of Window script file ?
  1. .ws
  2. .wt
  3. .wsf
  4. .wf
  45. What is extension of DOS Command file ?
  1. .com
  2. .dos
  3. .dcm
  4. .dds
  46. What is extension of Scalable Vector Graphics File ?
  1. .svg
  2. .sva
  3. .sg
  4. .sgf
  47. What is extension of real audio file ?
  1. .rf
  2. .ra
  3. .rt
  4. .rtf

48. .qt is extension of ?
  1. Apple Game File
  2. Apple Track File
  3. Apple QuickTime Movie
  4. Apple Backup File
  49. .bat is extension of ?
  1. DOS Data File
  2. DOS Backup File
  3. DOS Command File
  4. DOS Batch File
  50. What is extension of Common Gateway Interface Script ?
  1. .cg
  2. .cgi
  3. .cgt
  4. .cgl
  51. What is extension of Windows Initialization File ?
  1. .inid
  2. .ini
  3. .init
  4. .initial
  52. Which among following is extension of a Configuration File ?
  1. .con
  2. .cfg
  3. .cgi
  4. .clt
  53. What is extension of Window System File ?
  1. .sys
  2. .system
  3. .stm
  4. .syt
  54. What is extension of Windows Memory Dump File?
  1. .dmf
  2. .dmv
  3. .dm.
  4. .dmp
  55. What is extension of Windows Cabinet File ?
  1. .ca
  2. .cab
  3. .cat
  4. .cabi

56. .xll is extension of ?
  1. Excel Backup File
  2. Excel CSV File
  3. Excel Work File
  4. Excel Add-In File
  57. What is extension of Macromedia Flash Movie ?
  1. .swt
  2. .swf
  3. .sw
  4. .flash
  58. What is extension of Windows Media Video File ?
  1. .video
  2. .mv
  3. .wmv
  4. .wm
  59. .css is extension of ?
  1. Crawler Style Sheet
  2. Catalouge Style Sheet
  3. Cascading Style Sheet
  4. Cascading Style Sphere
  60. .8bi is extension of ?
  1. Photoshop Plug-in
  2. Photoshop Edited Image
  3. Photoshop Document
  4. Photoshop Layer File
61. Which of following is corrected extension of a database file ?
  1. .dta
  2. .data
  3. .db
  4. .dca

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