Web design

Most companies and many individuals want to create web sites containing information about themseleves, the work they do, or the products that they sell. It is possible to create a simple website yourself using web design software but for larger sites it is usual to employ a professional web design company to build and maintain the site.
Web design services can be provided by companies as a global service. A customer who wants a web site building can plan the structure of the web site and collect information and photographs to be included on the site. This can then be emailed to a web design company anywhere in the world.
The designers will create the site using HTML code and will write any neccessary programs in a language such as Java. They will then upload the site onto the World Wide Web for the company that ordered the site. Any changes that are required to the web site can be agreed between the company and the designers by email.
Because the location of the web designers is unimportant a company wanting a web site can choose from many more web designers than if it could only choose from web designers in the local area. For web designers the main advantage is that they can sell their services to companies anywhere in the world.

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