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Computer Gets Knocked Offline

What causes a computer to constantly be dumped off line? I've tried changing phone line, and put two different modems in. Does the number of kbps you are connected with have anything to do with it? Someone told me is was my isp that determined that number, and I always thought it was how good of signal you got thru the phone line.

Answer: There are a number of reasons your dial up connection to the internet can disconnect. If you have tried changing the modem and phone line then you can rule those out. I'm assuming by changing the line you mean the phone cord from the wall to the computer.
If you are receiving a low connection (kbps) then there is would seem that the connection is not a good one. This can be caused by the connection at your ISP. If they offer different phone numbers to connect with you may want to try one of those. It may also be a phone line problem outside of your house. You should be able to contact your phone company and have them test the line to see if there is any signal quality loss. You should also contact your ISP to have them check for problems on their end because they could be dropping the connection instead of you.
Also keep in mind that there is a chance it could be spyware or virus related. Make sure to do regular scans and keep your software up to date.

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