1. Which among following can be considered as most advanced ROM ?
  1. DRAM
  3. RAM
  4. PROM
  2. One byte equals to how many bits ?
  1. 4 bits
  2. 8 bits
  3. 12 bits
  4. 16 bits
3. Which among following is Volatile ?
  1. ROM
  2. EPROM
  3. DROM
  4. RAM
  4. Where the result of an arithmetic and logical operation are stored ?
  1. In Accumulator
  2. In Cache Memory
  3. In ROM
  4. In Instruction Registry
  5. Why we need to have secondary storage ?
  1. Store large volume of data that exceed the capacity of main memory
  2. Perform arithmatic and logical operations
  3. To give power to the system too
  4. To help processor in processing
  6. Which determines the address of I/O interface ?
  1. Register select
  2. Chip select
  3. Both of above
  4. None of above
7. An exception condition in a computer system caused by an event external to the CPU is known as ?
  1. Halt
  2. Process
  3. Interrupt
  4. None of above
  8. Whenever CPU detects an interrupt, what it do with current state ?
  1. Save it
  2. Discard it
  3. Depends system to system
  4. First finish it
  9. I/O processor has direct access to ?
  1. Main Memory
  2. Secondary Memory
  3. Flash Memory
  4. ROM
  10. The address mapping is done, when the program is initially loaded is called ?
  1. Relocation
  2. Dynamic relocation
  3. Static relocation
  4. Executable relocation
  11. The unit which decodes and translates each instruction and generates the necessary enable signals for ALU and other units is called
  1. ALU
  2. Control Unit
  3. CPU
  4. Logical Unit
  12. A microprogram is sequencer perform the operation ?
  1. Read
  2. Write
  3. Read and Write
  4. Read and Execute
  13. Which among following is an important data transfer technique ?
  1. CAD
  2. CAM
  3. DMA
  4. MMA
  14. RISC stands for ?
  1. Risk Instruction Source Computer
  2. Reduced Instruction Set Computer
  3. Risk Instruction Set Computer
  4. Risk Instruction Set Computing

  15. The performance of the cache memory is measured in terms of ?
  1. Hit Ratio
  2. Chat Ratio
  3. Copy Ratio
  4. Data Ratio
16. A set of physical addresses is also known as ?
  1. Disk Space
  2. Address Space
  3. Memory Space
  4. Locations
  17. Which devices among following are usually designed on the complex electromechanical principle ?
  1. Printing devices
  2. Input devices
  3. Storage devices
  4. Peripheral devices
  18. __ read the data by reflecting pulses of laser beams on the surface ?
  1. Magnetic disk
  2. Optical disk
  3. Floppy disk
  4. ROM
  19. If CPU and I/O interface share a common bus than transfer of data between two units is known as ?
  1. Asynchronous
  2. Clock dependent
  3. Synchronous
  4. Decoder independent
20. All the operations in a digital system are synchronized by a clock that is generated by ?
  1. Clock
  2. Clock generator
  3. Pulse
  4. Pulse generator
  21. Asynchronous means ?
  1. Not in step with the elapse of time
  2. Not in step with the elapse of address
  3. Not in step with the elapse of data
  4. Not in step with the elapse of control
  22. __ is a single control line that informs destination unit that a valid is available on the bus ?
  1. Ping
  2. Token
  3. Handshake
  4. Strobe
  23. Which technique has one or more control signal for acknowledgement that is used for intimation ?
  1. Ftp
  2. Ping
  3. Strobe
  4. Handshaking
  24. A keyboard has which type of asynchronous transfer mode ?
  1. Serial
  2. Parralel
  3. Optimal
  4. Joint
  25. Which technique helps processor to run a program concurrently with input output operations ?
  1. IOP
  2. DMA
  3. Interrupt driven I/O
  4. DCA
  26. Which exception is also known software interrupt ?
  1. Trap
  2. Call
  3. System Call
  4. All of above
  27. User programs interact with I/O devices through ?
  1. Operating System
  2. Hardware
  3. Buses
  4. Processor
28. Which table handle store address of interrupt handling subroutine ?
  1. Vector table
  2. Symbol link table
  3. Interrupt vector table
  4. None of above

29. Which interrupt establishes a priority over the various sources to determine which request should be entertained first ?
  1. Polling
  2. Daisy chaining
  3. Priority interrupt
  4. All of above
  30. Which technique is used that identifies the highest priority resource by means of software ?
  1. Daisy chaining
  2. Polling
  3. Priority
  4. Chaining
  31. Which method is used to establish priority by serially connecting all devices that request an interrupt ?
  1. Interrupt
  2. Polling
  3. Priority
  4. Daisy chaining
  32. What is meaning of "VAD" ?
  1. Velocity Address
  2. Viscous Address
  3. Vector Address
  4. Volatile Address
  33. What is meaning of DMAC ?
  1. Dual memory access controller
  2. Direct memory access controller
  3. Direct memory access computer
  4. Direct memory accumulator controller
  34. What is meaning of IOP ?
  1. Input output processor
  2. Input output product
  3. Input output producer
  4. Input output processing
  35. Which refers the execution of various software process concurrently ?
  1. IOP
  2. DCP
  3. Multiprocessor
  4. Serial Communication
  36. Which is used for this and known as high speed buffer exist with almost each process ?
  1. Primary
  2. Secondary
  3. Cache
  4. RAM
37. In which condition only one process holds a resource at a given time ?
  1. Circular queue
  2. Hold and Wait
  3. Mutual exclusion
  4. Non preemption
  38. In which condition one process holds the allocated resources and other waits for it ?
  1. Non preemption
  2. Mutual exclusion
  3. Hold and wait
  4. All of above
39. What is meaning of PCB ?
  1. Process control block
  2. Preempitive control block
  3. Process close block
  4. Process carrying block
  40. Arithmetic instruction are used to perform operation on ?
  1. Non Numerical data
  2. Numerical data
  3. Both of above
  4. None of above

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