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Cannot Enlarge Pictures on Webpages

When I'm in a website (IE) and I click on "click here to enlarge picture" nothing happens. How come and how can I fix it?

Answer: You should first make sure you don't have any popup blocking software or toolbars that are preventing the image from coming up by thinking its a popup ad. If you have a toolbar such as the AOL, Yahoo or Google toolbar then check the settings and turn off the popup blocker as a test. Many toolbars allow you to add certain websites to permit popups for that site so it doesn't do this sort of thing. Internet Explorer also has a built in popup blocker if you have SP2 which you most likely do. Go to Tools the Popup Blocker and then either Turn Off Popup Blocker or Popup Blocker Settings and make adjustments to test this out.
You can also try another web browser like Firefox to see if it has the same effect.

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