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Computer Won't Shut Down

Dear friends, from morning my computer not shutting down, when I log off, saving your settings words on the screen displays for 15min or more when I try to switch of by cpu off switch nothing will happen? What shall I do? Thanks in advance.

Answer: When your computer freezes when it shutting down it can be a variety of things. Here are a few things you can try.

Go to Start, then Run and type in sfc /scannow and click Ok. This will check your system files to make sure everything is ok. You may need to insert your Windows CD so have it handy.

Another thing it can be is a program or service running in the background that you most likely don't need or that doesn't want to end properly. When you shutdown, make sure you exit all open applications. You can even try to close out everything in the system tray by the clock or use Task Manager to end running programs.

You can also try booting into Safe Mode, and see if you get the same results when shutting down.

Viruses or spyware can cause these types of problems. Make sure to run all your scans.

Finally you can use the Windows startup/shutdown troubleshooter to try and narrow it down. Open the Help and Support Center from the Start menu and type in shutdown troubleshooter in the Search box.

When manually turning off your computer using the power switch you usually have to hold it in for 5 seconds or so before it turns off. If that doesn't work you can flip the switch on the back of your computer on the power supply.

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