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New Printer Doesn't Work

I have a 1999 Compaq Presario and have a new printer an Epson photo 785EPX and it requires a USB connection I have connected it to my computer but my computer does not read it as being plugged in to my computer because of the port. Can you help so I can get my printer to work?

Answer: Is there a way you can find out if your printer supports USB 1.1? Since your computer is older it most likely won’t have USB 2.0 support. Windows 98 does not support usb 2.0 devices unless there are drivers written specifically for it to run on Windows 98.
Do you have Windows 98 Second Edition? Right click My Computer and click properties. It will say Second Edition under Windows 98. That may be your problem if its not Second Edition.
Does the printer box say anything about supporting Windows 98 and having to be Second Edition?
Have you been able to use any other devices on your USB port successfully to make sure the port is working or try another USB port?
Does the printer want you to install the software before connecting the printer?
Let us know about these questions and we can take it from there. Another option is to contact Epson support and maybe they know of any issues with your printer and Windows 98.

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