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Slow Frame Rate With Online Games

Question: I am not much of a computer whiz, so this question may be simple. I play an online game, which lags a terrible deal, around 10 - 20 FPS. Is there anything I could do to make it lag less? What I thought about doing was increasing my RAM.
My specs are:
Intel(R) Celeron(R) CPU E1400 @ 2.00GHz
1.00 GB RAM
32-bit OS 

Answer: If this is a game that is played online via a website then its most likely your connection speed causing the lag. If it's a graphic intense game such as Halo etc then it can be your connection speed or your computer itself. Celeron processors are not the greatest for those types of games and 1 GB of RAM may not be enough either especially for Vista which really needs 3-4 GB to function properly.
You can test your internet connection speed test by going to and doing a test by clicking on the yellow star that is closest to your location. If you are getting less than 5Mbps then your internet connection may not be fast enough for your game if you are playing any kind of multiplayer game that runs off your computer.

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