How many likes on Facebook do you need to earn money? Does the same go for YouTube views?

Awadh Jamal (Ajakai)
By -
It depends on whether you’re trying to sell product/services direct, generate revenue from clicks, promote brands for awareness/growth, etc. You’ll also want to consider engagement rates.

If you want to post links like Diply or The Chive, you can expect $7–10 per 1,000 US clicks. Links/articles tend to have the lowest reach. I monetized a moderately engaging page with a 500k fanbase. It generated $30–60 per day with 4 links/day.

Having 400k+ US fans can generate some decent income.

Some Facebook pages ranging from 1m-3m (300k-600k US) make about $3,000–10,000/mo. Depending on the quantity of links, engagement, etc.

I know a guy who makes about $20/day with a 100k audience.

If you’re aiming for brand awareness and have companies willing to pay to promote product, it just depends on what you negotiate. Big companies don’t like the links and want a minimum of 5m weekly reach.
If you have a very specific audience that is engaging, then your value will increase. If you’re trying to sell $500 belts, then a business influencer with 50,000 engaging fans and a wealthy audience will probably be more impactful than a model with 1m non-US fans.

How to earn money from your Facebook likes:

Once you have your Facebook page, the best way to converting likes to buys is to make the leap as easy as possible for your fans. For this there are some specific services that are very useful.

For Services:

If you are selling a service like yoga, nutrition, parenting advice, music lessons etc, you can add a Call to Action ‘Book Now’ Button directly to your Facebook page. To make this even easier, use a solution like which lets you create your personal booking calendar and take payments. allows you to set the price and location of your service from face to face or online. Once your calendar is created you can link it to your FB Booking Button. Now your fans have a 1-click step to viewing your availability and booking your service.

For Products:

If you are selling goods, you can add a Call to Action ‘Buy Now’ Button. For this you can use a service like Shopify. Create a store on Shopify and link it to your Buy Now button on your Facebook page. Now fans can buy your products with one click.

Overall, it’s important to think about ROI for any marketing channel. Don’t limit yourself to Facebook Likes and Shares. Create a dynamic sales channel by integrating Facebook with other services like and Shopify to maximize your profits and grow your business.

Source: Quora

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