What are the most famous computer passwords in history?

Awadh Jamal (Ajakai)
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In today’s era where we have our accounts on so many websites, one thing that remains inevitable is passwords. Over the years, you might have had hundreds of them. Like them or not, you surely can’t escape them starting right from unlocking your phone to logging in to your social media accounts.

The basic task of a password is to act as a shield of what exists beyond it. Over the course of history, there have been several passwords that have protected things of supreme importance. Needless to say, these passwords gain iconic significance as more and more people start knowing about them.

So, today, we bring to you, some of the most famous passwords in human history. Take a look:

#1. 00000000

Believe it or not, this was the password used by the United States to protect its nuclear strength from falling into rogue hands. In short, 00000000 was the nuclear code, right until 1977. Such is the popularity of this password that it has been used in several Hollywood movies. In Star Trek 3 for instance, this was the destruct code of the USS Enterprise.

#2. Ncc1701

Talking of the USS Enterprise brings us to yet another iconic password. At first look, this might look just like a random arrangement of letters and numbers, but there is more to it than meets the eye. It is the serial number of the USS Enterprise, the major ship in Star Trek. In fact, nearly 5% people around the world had this as a password at one time.

#3. Sher

This password traces back right to the man who pops up in your head upon reading it. Sherlock Holmes got into a mobile phone which had some pictures of the royal family in the first episode of the second season. Well, the password was ‘Sher’ and Holmes didn’t have a hard time cracking it. The password was heavily used across the internet following that.

#4. Buddy

How do you protect your e-signatures for an extremely classified commerce deal? Well, if you ask former US President Clinton, he would suggest you use your dog’s name. Buddy was Bill Clinton’s dog’s name and he used it to protect some important trade deals!

#5. 123456

According to a study, nearly 17% of the people on the internet today use this as a password. This is enough proof of its popularity. However, why would people choose to opt for such an easy password to protect their personal cyber space is inexplicable. But wait until you read what’s coming next.

#6. 12345

While it is not fair for commoners to go for easy passwords, you should certainly never use them if you’re Bashar al-Assad. Yes, the Syrian President used this password to protect his Yahoo mail account. Needless to say, a hacker called ‘Anonymous’ hacked into it pretty easily.

#7. Chuck Norris

An anonymous Facebook engineer in 2010 claimed that Facebook employees were given with master passwords that they could use to log in to any account. That password was a variation of Chuck Norris. The engineer claimed to have used it personally on several occasions to manipulate a user’s data.

So, here were some famous passwords in the history of mankind. Some have been used to protect the world from a nuclear war while some have been favored by a majority of people across the globe.

Do you know some other famous passwords that we missed on this list? Make full use of the comment box below and let us know. We would love to hear from you!

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