Please Don't use your smartphone in the toilet

Awadh Jamal (Ajakai)
By -
If you check email, reply to texts or scroll Instagram while sitting on the toilet, you’re not alone in your dirty little secret.

Several recent surveys have attempted to find out how many people like to swipe and wipe… and it’s a lot.

An Australian survey claimed 41 percent of us double-tap while they crap, anotherfound 75 percent of Americans scroll before reaching for the roll, and one even put the figure at nine out of 10 people getting the scoop while they poop.

That’s pretty good odds you’re reading this article on the loo right now.

But germ experts say using your device on the dunny is unhygienic, and can spread illness-causing bacteria and pathogens, the same as not washing your hands.

“Even if you've only done a number one, your hands and phone are in the area where fecal bacteria hangs out, and may pick some up,” Cheryl Power, a University of Melbourne expert in microbiology and immunology, told Coach.

Dr Charles Gerba, an American professor of microbiology at the University of Arizona, agrees it could easily spread germs.

'There are water and air particles that harbour in the little creases of the phone,' Dr Anchita Karmakar told SBS. 'And phone covers and cases are usually made out of rubber, which is a warm and comfortable harbouring ground for bacteria.'

This bacteria includes salmonella, E.coli, shigella and campylobacter, according to WedMD, all of which can make you very sick.

You're also at risk of spreading viruses like gastro and staph, which can be easily transmitted from solid surfaces like your phone.

The advice Dr Karmakar gives is to not even take your phone to the bathroom, especially public ones.

'Even if you’re not using your phone on the toilet, you’re still holding it while you’re going in and out of the bathroom, and that’s enough to put bacteria on the phone when you haven’t yet washed your hands,' she explained.

Given that many people also use their phone when eating, and that many infections can be transmitted by mouth, this also increases the risk factor of getting sick from bacteria on your phone.
So, what can you do to try and mitigate this risk of spreading infections and getting sick?

Firstly, don't take your phone into the bathroom at all, and try not to use it when eating.

Disinfecting your phone regularly is also a good idea, especially if you've been using it in the bathroom. Specific sprays can be bought to clean touchscreens, and a screen protector can help too.

And wash your hands regularly, especially when leaving the bathroom or touching anyone else's smartphone.

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