Mark Zuckerberg is selling up to $13 billion of Facebook stock

Awadh Jamal (Ajakai)
By -
  • Mark Zuckerberg is selling up to $13 billion of Facebook shares to fund the Chan Zuckerberg Initiative, which has the audacious goal of curing, preventing, or managing all diseases "in our children's lifetime."
  • Among the initiative's projects are investments in the Human Cell Atlas, which aims to map out every single cell in the human body, and the Biohub, which joins researchers from the three major academic research institutions in the San Francisco Bay Area.

Board meetings at the Chan Zuckerberg Biohub, a research center backed by Facebook CEO and founder Mark Zuckerberg, his wife Priscilla Chan and LinkedIn cofounder Reid Hoffman, always kick off in the same way.

Each quarter, a promising young scientist funded by the Biohub is invited to a conference room at the Palo Alto offices of the Chan Zuckerberg Initiative, the family's philanthropic investment group. That's where Zuckerberg takes a hiatus from email to spend a little time learning about science.


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