Razer Phone 2 invites arriving on October 10

Awadh Jamal (Ajakai)
By -
The official unveiling date for the Razer Phone 2 is Wednesday, October 10, as per invites just issued to the press. We're expecting the follow-up to last year's Razer Phone to bring with it several performance upgrades, though the design might remain largely the same.

With Google launching new Pixels on the Tuesday and Samsung taking the wrappers off a new Galaxy handset of some description on the Thursday, it's going to be a very busy week for fans of shiny new mobile devices – we very much include ourselves in that category, and will of course be bringing you all the news as it's announced.

Let's over-analyze the invite shall we? It's green and black in the traditional Razer style, and looks to show the silhouette of the new phone. The words "flagship" and "gaming" are mentioned, so no surprises there. In fact, the invite doesn't offer too many extra clues.

The difficult second phone

We came away impressed after testing the original Razer Phone, which was launched at the start of November 2017. With innovations like a variable refresh rate on the display and 24-bit “audiophile-quality” sound, it stood out from the other flagships of last year.

Now Razer is ready for a sequel: rumors suggest the Razer Phone 2 will pack in a Snapdragon 845 processor and 8GB of RAM, as well as bringing with it another chunky set of stereo speakers to better hear your gaming wins and losses. No doubt the all-important display will get some improvements and tweaks as well.

Expect more leaks and tips to hit the web before October 10 rolls around, and start saving now if you're thinking of picking one up – the 2017 debut phone from Razer went on sale for $699 / £699.99 / AU$1,099, and this one is unlikely to be much cheaper.

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