Whatsapp has stopped working on millions of people’s phones

Awadh Jamal (Ajakai)
By -
Whatsapp is the world’s most popular messaging service and is relied upon by more than one billion people. But a lot of users could soon be stopped from using the app because it’s no longer compatible with millions of smartphones. The issue is caused by a recent version 2.18.90 update, which removes support for some older devices. Whatsapp plans to stop support for all iPhones running iOS 7 by February 1, 2020.

This means anyone who owns an iPhone 4 or earlier will have to buy a new phone. Anyone who owns iPhones produced after this will have to update their device if they want to use Whatsapp. Now Whatsapp has reportedly jumped the gun a little and made its latest update compatible only with phones running iOS 8 or later. As later versions of iOS cannot be installed on the iPhone 4 or earlier models, the app will no longer be available for new users. However, if you started using Whatsapp on an iPhone running iOS 7, you will still be able to use the older version of the app until February 2020, when it will stop working for you altogether. Last year, WhatsApp dropped its support for Nokia Symbian S60 phones. It will do the same for Nokia S40 handsets on December 31 2018 and then devices running Android 2.3.7 and older after 1 February, 2020.


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