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1. Which among following is not an input device ?
  1. Mouse
  2. Scanner
  3. Keyboard
  4. Printer
  2. File Transfer Protocol allows us to transfer files from one computer to another on the internet.
  1. True
  2. False
  3. Binary number system consists of ?
  1. 0's and 1's only
  2. All alphanumeric characters
  3. Depends computer to computer
  4. None of above
  4. Disk Operating System (DOS) was designed to work with which of the following input device ?
  1. Mouse
  2. Keyboard
  3. JoyStick
  4. Xbox
  5. Which among following is not a logical gate ?
  1. NOR
  2. XOR
  3. AND
  4. NAT
  6. A switch in a network is used to ?
  1. It is used to connect systems on network
  2. It is used to stop hacking
  3. It is used to stop viruses
  4. It is used to boot systems remotely
7. Which among following is odd one ?
  1. Spyware
  2. Malware
  3. Virus
  4. Hub
  8. Word "INTERPRETER" is related to ?
  1. Address resolution
  2. IP address ranges
  3. Programming Languages
  4. None of above
  9. DPI means ?
  1. Dots processing Inch
  2. Dots per Inch
  3. Diagram per Inch
  4. Diagram processing Inch
  10. Firewall is ?
  1. a hardware
  2. a software
  3. can be a hardware as well as software
  4. can neither be a hardware nor a software
  11. Which among following is not necessary for working of a standalone computer ?
  1. RAM
  2. Hard Drive
  3. Operating System
  4. LAN card
  12. What is full form of MBR ?
  1. Mini Boot Record
  2. Master Break Record
  3. Master Boot Race
  4. Master Boot Record
  13. Which among following is linux operating system ?
  1. Fedora
  2. Mint
  3. Red Hat
  4. All of above
  14. What is algorithm ?
  1. Application code
  2. Type of programming language
  3. Step by step procedure for calculations
  4. None of above
  15. Which language is related to database ?
  1. Perl
  2. Java
  3. Php
  4. Sql
  16. Which is a type of ROM
  1. PROM
  2. EPROM
  4. All of above
  17. Which kind of files have .mpg extension ?
  1. Audio
  2. Image
  3. Video
  4. Flash
  18. A computer must have ?
  1. Microsoft office
  2. Operating System
  3. Internet connectivity
  4. An antivirus
  19. Redhat Liux is ?
  1. An operating system
  2. A firewall software
  3. An antivirus
  4. A inventory management software
  20. Which among following is not a programming language ?
  1. Php
  2. Java
  3. IEEE
  4. Perl
  21. Compiler is related to ?
  1. DOS
  2. Programming Language
  3. Databse
  4. Internet
  22. DNS is the abbreviation of ?
  1. Domain Network Service
  2. Dynamic Network System
  3. Domain Name System
  4. Domain Name Service

23. Who invented Java language ?
  1. James Gosling
  2. Deniss Ritche
  3. Grace Hopper
  4. John Backus
  24. What is motherboard ?
  1. Scanner and other things are part of motherboard
  2. Keyboard otherwise known as motherboard
  3. A circuit board which connects all the elements
  4. It is a type of file server
  25. Which among following is odd one ?
  1. RAM
  2. Cache
  3. Frisk Drives
  4. Hard Disk
  26. Which is not a network topology ?
  1. Bus
  2. Ring
  3. Car
  4. Star
  27. Which among following is the lowest form of Computer Language ?
  1. Assembly Language
  2. Machine Language
  3. COBOL
  4. Perl
  28. Who is the founder of Apple Computers ?
  1. Bill Gates
  2. Steve Jobs
  3. John McCarthy
  4. Stephane Lyndse
  22. DNS is the abbreviation of ?
  1. Domain Network Service
  2. Dynamic Network System
  3. Domain Name System
  4. Domain Name Service
  23. Who invented Java language ?
  1. James Gosling
  2. Deniss Ritche
  3. Grace Hopper
  4. John Backus
  24. What is motherboard ?
  1. Scanner and other things are part of motherboard
  2. Keyboard otherwise known as motherboard
  3. A circuit board which connects all the elements
  4. It is a type of file server
  25. Which among following is odd one ?
  1. RAM
  2. Cache
  3. Frisk Drives
  4. Hard Disk
  26. Which is not a network topology ?
  1. Bus
  2. Ring
  3. Car
  4. Star
27. Which among following is the lowest form of Computer Language ?
  1. Assembly Language
  2. Machine Language
  3. COBOL
  4. Perl
  28. Who is the founder of Apple Computers ?
  1. Bill Gates
  2. Steve Jobs
  3. John McCarthy
  4. Stephane Lyndse
  36. Who invented Linux operating system ?
  1. Deniss Ritche
  2. Linus Torvalds
  3. Steve Jobs
  4. Madam Curie
  37. Which among following is not a type of printer ?
  1. Inkjet
  2. Dot Matrix
  3. Rubber Wheel
  4. Laser
  38. What is the smallest addressable element of a display device ?
  1. Root
  2. Shell
  3. Pixel
  4. Dot
  39. Which is odd one ?
  1. Hub
  2. Switch
  3. Router
  4. Packet
  40. What is full form of USB ?
  1. Unidirectional Serial Bus
  2. Universal Serial Bus
  3. Unidirectional Standard Bus
  4. Universal Standard Bus
  41. Which among following organization is concerned with databases ?
  1. Oracle
  2. Asus
  3. Intel
  4. Motorola
 42. WWW stands for ?
  1. Web World Wide
  2. Whole World Web
  3. Whole Wide Web
  4. World Wide Web
  43. What is full form of ANSI ?
  1. American National Standards Institute
  2. Asia National Standards Institute
  3. American National School Institute
  4. Asia National School Institute
  44. LAN card is also known as ?
  1. Modem
  2. NIC
  3. Hub
  4. Switch
  45. Firmware is stored in ?
  1. RAM
  2. Cache
  3. ROM
  4. Hard Disk

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