11 Things You Should Never Do During a Lightning Storm (Thunderstorm)

Awadh Jamal (Ajakai)
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Even though storms are a beautiful and seemingly magical sight to see, they are first and foremost a dangerous phenomenon.

This is not to say that you need to panic every time it starts to thunder and lightning outside. You just have to be aware of your surroundings, circumstances, and safety.

These are 11 things that you should never do in a thunderstorm, or any time there is lightning, no matter how invincible you’re feeling on that day!

The chances of getting struck by lightning in your lifetime is 1 in 3,000. It’s a slim chance, but there is still a chance. You don’t want to put yourself at risk even when the odds are in your favor.

Are you afraid of thunderstorms? Do you think you would feel better if you knew how to best stay safe during one of them? There is always comfort in knowledge!

1. DON'T Wash Dishes or Do Laundry

One of the ways lightning enters a structure after striking it is by traveling through plumbing. Metal pipes for water and sewage are not only excellent conductors of electricity, but the water they carry can be laden with impurities that also help conduct electricity. If this was to occur, say, while you are using a faucet, it's possible you could get electrocuted — so don't chance it! Consider it the perfect excuse to get out of doing your chores... at least momentarily.

2. DON'T Talk on a Landline Telephone

Nearly anytime is a good time for a chat, except for during a thunderstorm. If a bolt of lightning were to strike a telephone pole, it could cause an electrical surge to shoot through the phone lines, into your phone handset, and ultimately into your body by way of your ear pressed against that handset.

Because the danger of being electrocuted over the phone comes from lightning's ability to travel through outdoor wiring, both cell phones and cordless phones are generally safe to use.

One exception to this would be using them outside or in a car, in which case they become a hazard just like any other metal object.

3. DON'T Watch TV or Use Appliances

Just as lightning travels through phone wires, it also travels through electrical wiring, cords, and plugs. Not only is it important to unplug electrical items to protect you from getting shocked, but also to protect the devices themselves from short circuiting should lightning hit and cause a voltage overload.

Laptops, tablet PCs, and E-readers (Kindles, Nooks) are generally safe to use indoors as long as they aren't plugged into a charger.

4. DON'T Stand Near Windows or Doors

Lightning is a gorgeous sight, especially when arcing across a night sky. But as tempting as it is to stand and watch the view, doing so can be dangerous. Lightning has been known to strike through glass as well as travel through unsealed cracks along doors and windowpanes.

5. DON'T Drive or Ride in a Convertible

Think you're safe from lightning in any vehicle thanks to its rubber tires? Think again!

In reality, it is a car's metal frame that keeps its driver and passengers safe while inside. Should lightning strike a vehicle, its metal frame will conduct the electrical current around the outside of the car and into the ground below, keeping those within the car unharmed. The fact that convertibles don't have metal roofs impedes this ability. (The same rings true of various makes and models whose frames are manufactured out of non-metal parts.)

6. DON'T Touch Any Electrical or Metal Objects Inside of Your Vehicle

Even if you're inside of a metal-topped vehicle, there's still a slight risk of being electrocuted. If lightning does strike your vehicle, some of its electrical current can flow through the car's electrical systems and metal appendages, including the radio, cell phone charger, USB connectors, GPS units, car door handles, foot pedals, and even the steering wheel.

For this reason, the most fool-proof way to stay safe is to pull over onto the side of the road, turn on your hazard lights, turn off the engine, keep your hands in your lap, keep the windows rolled up, and wait until the thunderstorm has passed before continuing on your journey or exiting the car.

7. Ignore Hair Standing On End

The bottom of the storm is negatively charged, and it looks for positively charged things to transfer the energy to. That’s what the lightning is.

If your hair begins to stand on end in a lightening storm, that’s a sign that your positive charge is interacting with the negative charge of the storm. If you notice this happening, get indoors immediately, according to National Geographic. You are at great risk of getting struck by lightning!

8. Take a Shower Or A Bath

You should never take a shower or a bath when there is lightning striking outside, as the electrical currents can travel through the pipes in your home, much like the wires through your phone.

Just wait until the skies are clear to bathe, according to the New York Times, as even though the chances of getting electrocuted int eh shower are very small, is it really worth the risk?

9. Ride In A Convertible

While it is safe to be in most cars during a thunderstorm, you definitely don’t want to be in a convertible when lightning strikes, even if the top is up! When lightning hits a metal object, it travels on the outside. This is called the skin effect.

However, it doesn’t always work in all conditions, and it won’t work on a convertible as it’s not entirely made of metal according to National Lightning Safety Institute. If you’re in a convertible during a thunderstorm, try to get to a safer indoor area as soon as you can.

If you’re in any other car during a storm, pull over, put your flashers on, and refrain from touching anything metal in the car. This includes the steering wheel, the gear shift, and your seat belt buckle. Keep your hands in your lap and wait for the storm to pass.

10. Keep Your Laptop Plugged In

If you need to use a computer or an electronic device during a thunderstorm, make sure that you don’t leave it plugged into the wall. Much like a landline telephone, the electricity can surge through the power cord and damage your device or even you!

For the same reason, it’s a good idea to refrain from using any appliances or electronics that need to plug into the wall. Take an opportunity to read a book!

11. Stand Next To A Tree

Standing next to a tree in a thunderstorm is basically begging to be struck by lightning. Lightning looks for the tallest thing to strike, which is often a tree. If that tree is struck, the lightning travels through it to the ground.

However, wood is not a great conductor of electricity while you (salt and water) are. The electric current will opt to use your body as well as the tree truck to travel to the ground, very possibly killing you and the tree.

Don’t stand near trees in a thunderstorm. Don’t do it!


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